Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yearning for God

In my Bible I have the first two verses of Psalm 63 underlined.  They read:

God, you are my God, I pine for you;
my heart thirsts for you,
my body longs for you,
as a land parched, dreary and waterless.
Thus I have gazed on you in the sanctuary,
seeing our power and your glory.

In the margin I have written the words, "Do I ever feel this deeply?"

I have a friend who was put in prison after Saigon was captured by North Vietnam.
Eventually he was released and he said he remembered his first cup of coffee.  He
had never realized how wonderful a cup of coffee could be. "I always took it for
granted," he said.  

Perhaps we should take some time (truly get still and alone) and think about
what we may take for granted.  What would happen if we were more deliberate
in appreciating moment my moment  God's gift of life and all with which we
are blessed. Even (maybe especially) that morning cup of coffee. 

And what of our walk with the Creator of the Universe and Dweller in our Heart...

We read the verses again and ask, "Do I ever feel this deeply?"

Ralph McCluggage

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